2022 Election News and Information
2022 Railbelt elections at a glance
HEA Elections
Wayne Ogle elected in District 1 for a three-year term
Dan Furlong elected in District 2 for a three-year term
Erin McKittrick re-elected in District 3 for a three-year term
HEA members will elect Directors for Districts 1, 2, and 3 in 2023
CEA Elections
Rachel Morse and Sisi Cooper elected to a four-year terms
Bylaws change moving deadline for receiving mail-in ballots approved
CEA members will elect two Board members in 2023
GVEA Elections
Chris Bunch reappointed for District 5 for a three-year term
Fred Sheen elected for District 6 for a three-year term
GVEA members will elect Directors for Districts 1, 2, and 3 in 2023
MEA Elections
Mark Hamm re-elected to seat for Eagle River District for a four-year term
Arthur Keyes elected to At-Large Seat for a three-year term
Restatement of Bylaws approved
MEA members will elect two At-Large Board seats in 2023